Economists for Ukraine


Russian Ruble Crash

The Best Macroeconomic Policy for Russia

Russia has problems with supply chains, a debt crisis, a severe bank run, a currency crisis, and foreign direct investment issues because of the war it started against Ukraine. The best macroeconomic policy for Russia is to stop this insane war.
By Yuriy Gorodnichenko

Sanctions on Energy

Sanctions on Energy: To Russia with Love Now

The European Union (EU) countries have paid over 13 billion dollars for Russian oil, gas, and coal since Russia invaded Ukraine.
By Tetyana Balyuk, Tania Babina, Anastassia Fedyk, and Yuriy Gorodnichenko

Greed is Good

Greed is Good?

Earlier we argued that buying Russian oil was immoral. But no less moral is for companies (especially for companies that practice ESG) to continue operations in Russia paying taxes and thus enabling Putin to kill more Ukrainians.
By Yuriy Gorodnichenko and Danylo Tavrov

Stop the Corruption of Russian Money

Stop the Corruption of Russian Money

It is an open secret that Russian elites used their vast wealth to buy assets and prestige in the West. But the Russian influence did not stop there.
By Yuriy Gorodnichenko, Tania Babina, Tetyana Balyuk, Anastassia Fedyk, and James Hodson

The Moral Bankruptcy of Buying Russian Energy

The unthinkable is happening. Putin started an aggressive war against the people of Ukraine, a fellow Slav country in the middle of Europe.
By Tetyana Balyuk, Tania Babina, Anastassia Fedyk, and Yuriy Gorodnichenko