Economists for Ukraine


Why We Need a No-Fly Zone over Ukraine

Explainer: Why We Need a No-Fly Zone over Ukraine

Vladimir Putin’s military forces have been making increasingly indiscriminate attacks. Entire cities are left in ruins, some without electricity and running water…
By Yuriy Gorodnichenko. Anastassia Fedyk, Tetyana Balyuk, and Tania Babina

A shift in strategy

As early as October 2021, the contours of Russian invasion of Ukraine were increasingly clear. The governments of the US, UK and a few other

A Recipe for World Peace

The EU has refused to immediately and fully embargo Russian oil and gas purchases out of fear that it would throw the continent into an industrially-led recession, or would cause a much larger spike in prices. These arguments do not reflect the reality of supply-side elasticity in the oil and gas markets, and ignore the enormous costs that we are paying already as a result of the purchases of oil and gas from Russia
By James Hodson