Video Interviews

How to rebuild Ukraine
A year after the start of Russia’s war on Ukraine, the losses have been massive, but Yuriy Gorodnichenko says that it’s crucial to start planning

Ukraine’s economy: Today’s challenges, tomorrow’s needs, & lessons from past reconstruction efforts
On Dec. 15, the Hutchins Center on Fiscal & Monetary Policy and the Center on the U.S. and Europe at Brookings will convene a virtual

Hungary vetoes European aid package for Ukraine | DW News
Hungary on Tuesday vetoed an 18 billion euro EU financial aid package to Ukraine, leaving the other 26 nations to scramble to keep the money

Russia’s Gazprom announces indefinite shutdown of Nord Stream 1 pipeline | DW News
Gazprom halted gas flows through the Nord Stream 1 pipeline to Germany Friday, citing a gas leak and providing no time frame for when supplies

James Hodson Interviews with Deutsche Welle on Ukraine
CEO of AI for Good Foundation, and co-founder of Economists for Ukraine, James Hodson speaks on the impact of Russia’s aggression in Ukraine on grain

Ukraine’s top diplomat urges the West to impose tougher sanctions on Russia | NewsNation Prime
Ukraine’s top diplomat is calling for tougher sanctions on Russia as evidence grows of what he calls a massacre of civilians in the suburbs of